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Inflation report, Fed on track for 0.5-point rate rise

The Federal Reserve approved last week its fourth consecutive rate increase of 0.75 percentage point!

The October inflation report could keep Federal Reserve officials on track to approve a half-percentage-point interest-rate increase next month, indicated that the inflation is on the down spiral

WSJ on Fed’s October report

Fed contemplates on slightly higher rates next year than they had anticipated previously

The Fed approved last week its fourth consecutive rate increase of 0.75 percentage point, raising the benchmark federal-funds rate to a range between 3.75% and 4%.

Chairman Jerome Powell and other central bank officials have signaled that they would prefer to slow down the pace of rate rises, even without clear evidence that inflation was easing.

“I never thought of” a series of milder inflation readings “as the appropriate test for slowing the pace of increases,” Mr. Powell said at a news conference last week. As the Fed pushes rates to higher levels, “the question of speed becomes less important,” he added.

Image FED