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New report reveals EU solar power soars over 45% in 2022

Europe’s annual progress report for solar power reveals that the EU installed 41.4 GW of solar in 2022!

That sums up to over 45% , from the 28.1 GW installed in 2021. Germany remains the EU country installing the most solar annually (7.9 GW added in 2022), followed by Spain (7.5 GW), Poland (4.9 GW), the Netherlands (4.0 GW), and France (2.7 GW).

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 DW Chart on German share of renewable energy

In one year, the total EU solar power generation fleet increased by 25% to 208.9 GW, from 167.5 GW in 2021.

41.4 GW represents enough capacity to power the equivalent of 12.4 million European homes.

In a seismic shift for the energy landscape, the European Union added a record-breaking 41.4 GW of solar power in 2022. The new capacity is equivalent to the power needs of 12.4 million European homes, and replaces 102 LNG tankers. Annual EU solar power growth has increased by 47% from 28.1 GW in 2021.

In the face of an unprecedented energy crisis and heightened energy security concerns, EU total solar power capacity grew by a mammoth 25% in just one year – from 167.5 GW to 208.9 GW in 2022.

“The numbers are clear. Solar is offering Europe a lifeline amid energy and climate crises. No other energy source is growing as quickly, or reliably, as solar. We’re building a secure, green, prosperous Europe on a foundation of solar.”

The International Energy Agency recommends that the EU install around 60 GW of solar power in 2023 to compensate for shortfalls in Russian gas supply. With rapid and targeted support, solar power could fill the gap, reaching up to 67.8 GW of installations in 2023 in a high scenario.


Image:Solar panels