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IBM Plans To Replace Nearly 8,000 Jobs With AI

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna announced a hiring pause earlier this month, but that’s not all. He also stated the company plans to replace nearly 8,000 jobs with AI.

Krishna noted that back-office functions, specifically in the human resources (HR) sector, will be the first to face these changes.

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The transition will happen gradually over the next few years, with machines potentially taking over up to 30% of noncustomer-facing roles in the five years. This means that workers in finance, accounting, HR and other areas will likely find themselves facing stiff competition from robots and algorithms.

The decision highlights the increasing reliance on automation and artificial intelligence across various sectors and the potential impact on the workforce.

It’s not the first time the company has made headlines for cutting jobs. Earlier this year, IBM also announced that it would be slashing 3,900 jobs, indicating a larger trend toward automation and cost-cutting measures in the tech industry.

While IBM isn’t the only tech giant to downsize recently, with layoffs also hitting Meta Platforms Inc., Amazon.com Inc., Twitter Inc., and Microsoft Corp., it’s clear that AI is rapidly transforming the workforce.


*AI is projected to add a staggering $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030.




Source: Yahoo Finance/IBM
Image: lBM