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Meta presents its 2021 results

There are 2,82 billion daily active user of all Meta platforms, of which facebook has 1.93 billion. This is an increase of 9% and %5 respectively, year-over-year, according to the Full Year 2021

Research before deciding on an investment

Opinion by: Arben Selimi Most people who invest their savings in capital markets often haste with their investment decisions. They don’t do enough research, don’t analyze company’s data, thus invest (often wrongly) without

Investing: bonds or stocks?

Opinion by Arben Selimi (*special thanks to Arsim. Ajeti for contribution) Many individuals and companies have surplus money sitting idle. They don’t use it for consumption nor they invest it to earn them

Long-term investment strategy

Case study written by; Arben Selimi advisor; arben@journalbiz.com Many people have savings with which they do not know what to do. By hiding them under the mattress or on the attic, they gain