Cyber crime group from Russia exposed!
The hacking enterprise, called the Trickbot Group exposed!
and its affiliates had already collected hundreds of millions of dollars by shutting down emergency rooms, city governments and public schools since 2018.WSJ reports
In a secret chat room, run by a group of Russian-affiliated cybercriminals, a hacker expressed excitement about a plan to attack and disable more than 400 U.S. hospitals. “There will be panic,” the hacker wrote, in Russian
It was 2020, at a severe point in the pandemic, and the gang planned to hold hostage the computer systems of the hospitals, many of which were fighting to save C-19 patients.
*WSJ Chart on cybersecurity threat
U.S. authorities and cybersecurity researchers foiled large parts of the plan,
warning hospitals before the hackers’ ransomware could be installed, but the hackers shrugged off the setback, according to a cache of data and documents leaked online in recent weeks.
Security researchers and U.S. officials say the internal conversations amount to the most complete and candid public look yet at the operations of a criminal ransomware enterprise. U.S. authorities have been tracking the Trickbot group, but little was known publicly about its operations and internal deliberations before the cache of documents surfaced.