Gas Prices falls to decade low!
Gas prices have plunged due to low demand , globally!
The snow from last month’s winter storm has melted down. So have natural-gas prices.
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Natural-Gas Prices Continue the Free Fall!#gasprices pic.twitter.com/kzSAZnFcg8
— The_Journalbiz (@the_journalbiz) January 3, 2023
FactSet Chart on natural gas price
Futures for February delivery have fallen more than 8% to start 2023, to around $4 per million British thermal unit. That’s about where prices were a year ago, when temperatures were also unusually warm and before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine jolted energy markets.
Gas for delivery in February, often the most expensive time of year to buy the heating and power-generation fuel, have crashed more than 50% since August, when low inventories caused concerns about getting through winter with enough.
Analysts say prices could fall further—a bad omen for energy stocks but good news for U.S. households that have been pinched by high fuel prices.