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Greece, records over 47% renewables energy production in 2022!

The share of electricity demand in Greece covered from renewable sources climbed to a record 47.1% in the first ten months of the year!

Net imports covered 6.6%, the least since 2013. In October alone, demand was 9% lower than in the same month of 2021.

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Chart on Greece renewables resources rise during 2022

Electricity production from renewables including large hydropower plants amounted to 20.2 GWh in the ten months through October, according to data released by Greece’s Independent Power Transmission Operator – Admie

Renewables, including large hydro met 47.1% of demand in the first ten months or five percentage points more year over year. The share of net imports was 6.6%, the lowest level since 2013. Total demand tumbled 9% in October on an annual basis. At 3.65 GWh

  • The share of lignite in power demand climbed only slightly in October on an annual basis

Green energy’s share and total output surged despite a decline in the large hydro segment, caused by drought. Lignite accounted for 10.9% from January through October, just 0.4 points more than in the same period of 2021.

Renewables excluding large hydro are largest electricity source from January 1

Renewables without large hydro achieved the highest percentage increase (18.4%) in production, to 16.7 GWh, beating gas for the first time and becoming the largest source.

Monthly production from renewables was the second-highest so far, trailing the record from July.

On October 7, the demand in Greece’s electric power system was covered 100% from renewable energy sources for at least five hours for the first time.

