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Nvidia, gaming revenue drops by 33%

Nvidia has been among the chip companies hardest hit by consumers curtailing spending recently

Nvidia Corp. said it is expecting sales of about $5.9 billion for the current quarter, below the $6.9 billion analysts expected in a FactSet survey and well below the $8.4 billion Wall Street expected before the sales warning.

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The projected sales figure represents a decline of 17% compared with the same period last year, two weeks after warning investors that its videogaming business was hit by a downturn in demand.

Here’s how Nvidia did versus Refinitiv consensus estimates:

  • EPS: $0.51, adjusted, versus $1.26 expected
  • Revenue: $6.7 billion versus $8.10 billion expected

Nvidia has been among the chip companies hardest hit by consumers curtailing spending in response to high inflation and rising interest rates.

About a third of Nvidia’s sales come from videogamers who covet cutting-edge graphics performance and whose buying decisions waver with their spending power.

The company’s stock has fallen 43% this year amid a broad selloff in semiconductor stocks, but it remains the U.S.’s biggest chip company by market value.

Source:Nvidia/ Factset/Refinitiv