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Sales of Italian Electric Motorbike Energica soared in 2022!

Energica Motors, a leader in the electric motorcycle industry, has posted massive growth in sales via its 2022 sales results!

Energica Motors has exploded onto the motorcycle market in recent years with wild designs, incredible performance and specifications, and a unique passion for motorcycles that some have alleged other electric motorcycle manufacturers lack.

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News on year to year sale bu Energica

Now, the Italian brand has posted its sales for 2022, and it looks like its aggressive expansion has paid off.

Via 15 new sales points in the United States, now totaling 25 in North America, U.S. Energica sales doubled in 2022 compared to 2021.

Globally, the company saw similar success via its 135 total sales points, up by 70% compared to 2021.

This massive sales growth dramatically increased revenues by 67%, also thanks to Energica’s sales of electric drivetrain parts to other manufacturers. Energica did not release more specific sales numbers, which could indicate the company’s most successful models.

Official Energica presentation

CEO Livia Cevolini stated, “Thanks to the great work and significant investments made with the support of our main shareholder Ideanomics – key to our development – the estimates of 2022 confirm Energica to be among the leaders of the EV market.

Energica also ventured into selling electric motorcycles to police departments for the first time, delivering 88 Energica bikes to the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, at the end of last year.

  • Energica remains a bit of a unicorn in the electric motorcycle market.

This significant increase was achieved courtesy of the great feedback received in the first half of the year with the launch of the new model Experia, the world’s first purpose-built electric touring bike, which is rewriting the rules of two-wheeled electric mobility.”

