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Aug 18, 2022

Snap says NO, to Selfie Pixy Drone!

Move comes after company reported disappointing earnings and less than four months after the drone was launched! Snap Inc. set to cut the development of its Pixy flying selfie camera less than fourRead More

Apr 12, 2022

Drone Delivery takes pace! 

Wing is launching a drone-delivery service in the Dallas, In what is believed to be the largest U.S. roll out drone initiative operated by a customer. “This third-party delivery model will give businessesRead More

Nov 27, 2021

E-commerce prospect of the Drones

Case study by; arsim.ajeti researcher& editor: arsim@thejournalbiz.com Drone, a unique small flying object eclipsed from D.I.Y experiment during  2000’s into a booming perspective today, the first drone for commercial purposes with a flyingRead More