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Elon Musk activates Starlink for Iranian citizens!

Elon Musk announced that he was activating Starlink to the Iranian people!

In a direct  response to U.S. Sec. Antony Blinken’s tweet announcing the issuing of a General License to provide the Iranian people with access to digital communications.

“We took action today to advance Internet freedom and the free flow of information for the Iranian people, issuing a General License to provide them greater access to digital communications to counter the Iranian government’s censorship,” Secretary Blinken said.

Tweet Sec Blinken and Elon’s response

Currently, in Iran, massive protests are happening as a result of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

who was detained by the morality police for her head scarf not being properly worn.

Eyewitnesses said that she was beaten and her head hit the side of a police car. This along with leaked medical scans suggested cerebral hemorrhage and stroke.

In response to her death, there have been several large-scale protests across Iran that received international support from world leaders, celebrities, and organizations.

The Iranian gov’s or their morality police has been suppressing the protests, shooting protesters with metal pellets, and deploying tear gas and water cannons.

The government also blocked access to many apps including Instagram and WhatsApp and limited internet access to prevent protestors from organizing.

source:Tweeter account Musk/Blinken