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Essential Fitness from Home or Work

Discover the benefits of a daily workout and check out the exercises we have planned for you, and start your day with high energy.

Our fitness instructor today is Neshat Krasniqi,  and he will lead you through a 15-minute fitness routine

It is estimated that there are many benefits from daily workout, according to the NHS ( (National Health Center) such are;

  • Mental health benefits from the fitness exercises,
  • Exercise promotes hormonal balance, improves sleep & reduces stress significantly
  • Exercise improves your metabolism & energy levels by toning the body
Tweet from our Instructor on  HIIT Bodyweight moves from home or work


Here are the benefits out of the HIIT disciplines for a routine of 15 minutes at home or office:

  1. Stretching your muscles helps you become more flexible, which makes some activities of daily tasks easier.
  2. Improves flexibility gained from regular stretching helps you prevent injuries. Stretching also reduces muscle tension.
  3. Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is repetitive, rhythmic movement that raises your heart rate and requires you to use more oxygen, toning your muscles and building your body. It is often called cardiovascular exercise or “cardio”.

These workouts are short, quick, simple and sufficient to boost your energy levels and ensure mental clarity throughout the day

Exercise No. 1

Stretch-120 sec

‘Jumping Jack’ – 100 seconds

‘Squats’ – 100 seconds

Exercise No. 2

Planks – 100 seconds

Climbing the mountain – 90 seconds

Repeat 3 times

Rest 30 seconds

Exercise No. 3

Wall squat – 100 seconds

Rope – 90 repetitions

Planks and push-ups – 90 seconds

Repeat 3 times

*complete session is on Tweet video 


Article by the editor; arsim@thejournalbiz.com
Fitness instructor can be reached at
& neshatkrs@gmail.com