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Fed Approves Fourth 0.75-Point Rate Rise

The Federal Reserve lifted interest rates by 0.75 percentage point!

To further  combat inflation and signaled plans to keep raising them, though possibly in smaller increments.

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Fed officials in a Wednesday policy statement acknowledged it could take time for rapid increases this year to be reflected in the economy. “

The committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy. The statement said continued rate rises were needed “to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2% over time.”

Officials are boosting interest rates at the fastest pace since the early 1980s to reduce inflation that is running near a 40-year high. They have raised rates by 0.75 point at four consecutive meetings, with the latest one taking the central bank’s benchmark federal-funds rate to a range between 3.75% and 4%..

Before June, the central bank hadn’t raised rates by 0.75 point, or 75 basis points, at a policy meeting since 1994. Mr. Powell said after the June meeting he didn’t anticipate such increases to be common and called the move “an unusually large one.”

*Officials had expected inflation to decline this year, but in vain so far. They responded by targeting a higher destination for the fed-funds rate than they projected earlier in the year, resulting in the longer-than-anticipated string of 0.75-point rate rises.
source: FED/WSJ
Image: FED/Central Bank