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Ferrari set to join ‘Metaverse’ hype

The Italian maker of luxury cars, Ferrari  has set up a department focusing on digital services that’s exploring opportunities arising from the space that blends virtual reality, gaming and social media according to CEO’s statement Mr.Vigna

Ferrari, an auto-making global icon, is now looking to bolster its brand also in the digital world, or ‘Metaverse’

-Quick look into the metaverse story
tweet by *Bloomberg


“It’s important to look into new technologies that could help our brand,” Vigna said during a conference call with analysts.

Ferrari is working on new tech partnerships, tokens and blockchain specifically, he added

While the metaverse is a work in progress, many tech giants see it as the future of human interaction.

just weeks ago Mark Zuckerberg called the space “the next frontier” when he changed his company’s name from Facebook to Meta Platforms Inc. last year.




*Ferrari stock rose 23% during fiscal year 2021


Photo credit:Ferrari.inc