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French opposition, coining exit from the EU electricity market!

France should drop the idea of an EU electricity market and fully nationalize energy giant EDF!

French policymaker or parliamentary opposition are of the opinion that rising electricity costs would be better managed with a more integrated public energy service

France announced its plans in July to recapitalize energy giant EDF, while some, mostly in the opposition, have been calling for its nationalization.

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Eurostat chart on EU electricity  price hikes

The announcement that the government will entirely recapitalise EDF, rather than fully nationalise it, means the company can still divide its activities, whether this is regarding nuclear or other renewables for example. Nationalisation, which needs approval from parliament, including on the activities, would, however, allow EDF to no longer face competition in the French electricity market.

Based on notes from the economy ministry, the report pointed to a transfer to the private sector that could concern “about 30% of the activities related to the energy transition” – though Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire opposes this.

Even before the report was published, Brun had called for EDF’s nationalisation, arguing it would avoid “the disintegration of the [EDF] group” and “the disintegration of the public service”, and noting that it would receive backing from all opposition parties.

“I can safely say that there is a majority [of MPs] in favour of a nationalisation bill,” as EURACTIV France reports


Image:Electricity plant