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Mar 14, 2022

Minimum wage

People are willing to exchange their money for something they value, if they value the latter more than the money they have. Conversely, people are willing to exchange something they have for moneyRead More

Feb 19, 2022

Buying shares

Opinion by: Arben Selimi Recently, the US central bank, the Fed, is raising interest rates in an effort to fight the inflation unseen for decades in the US. High interest rates have twoRead More

Feb 14, 2022

Auditors and auditing

Opinion by: Arben Selimi The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires each public company (those companies whose shares are publicly traded on the stock exchange) to hire an auditor to examine its financialRead More

Feb 1, 2022

Research before deciding on an investment

Opinion by: Arben Selimi Most people who invest their savings in capital markets often haste with their investment decisions. They don’t do enough research, don’t analyze company’s data, thus invest (often wrongly) withoutRead More

Jan 24, 2022

Analytical review of AIRBNB

Opinion by the editor; Arsim. Ajeti 13 years ago, former roommates coined the idea of renting one of the rooms where they priory leased themselves!? as a way to realize income from anyRead More

Jan 23, 2022

Investing: bonds or stocks?

Opinion by Arben Selimi (*special thanks to Arsim. Ajeti for contribution) Many individuals and companies have surplus money sitting idle. They don’t use it for consumption nor they invest it to earn themRead More

Jan 21, 2022

Social apps and emerging trends

Opinion by Arsim Ajeti Editor in Chief / thejournalbiz.com Digitization, as the progressive global trend came together with product innovation, from online shopping(amazon vs ebay) to couples dating(tinder vs match) online rental bookingRead More