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Microsoft’s deal with Activision leaves Sony players in doubt

Microsoft Corp. announced an agreement to acquire Activision Blizzard Inc. for $ 69 billion, but buying the game publisher means that franchises like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft will be part of the package.

The biggest tech deal ever between Microsoft and Activision seems set to add well-known titles and expand its offerings for the Xbox console pushing it to dominate the mobile gaming markets.

The deal would make Microsoft the number 3 gaming company in the world. behind Tencent & Sony

Th only unknown remains, how this deal could affect players entering the long-term subscription package, especially for players using other consoles, particularly the rival Sony PlayStation console.

But, this consist of the secret negotiations that led to one of the greatest tech deal; the purchase that comes with a premium access to all game titles and franchises, all the major titles in the market, like

  • Call of Duty
  • World of Worldcraft
  • Diablo ...(*one of the most played game on Sony’s PlayStation)

Speculation naturally arises as to: will Microsoft restrict access to popular titles on its Xbox console? that alone, remains the biggest mystery of the players worldwide



source: Microsoft/WSJ