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Porsche & Apple, discussed potential joint-projects!

Executives from Porsche traveled to the U.S. late last year for meetings with Apple,

Reason?… potential cooperation, WSJ finds

Porsche and Apple Inc. have held early discussions about potential joint projects, Porsche chief executive said.

Preliminary discussions said to be wide-ranging, included potential digital collaboration

His comment during the German company’s annual earnings call with journalists could rekindle longstanding speculation about a possible Apple foray into the auto-industry.

“We already have Apple CarPlay.

*CNBC tweet on potential porsche/ apple projects


We will expand on that,” he said of the tech company’s software that connects iPhones to the dashboards of most new cars,

adding, “We discussed a range of exciting projects with the Apple

The meeting is seen as an opportunity to get to know each side, but “There is nothing specific at this point,” the source said

The rare admission from an auto maker’s top executive that talks were under way with iconic iPhone maker is the latest twist in Apple’s long- flirtation with the automotive industry.

*Bloomberg senior analyst M.Gurman tweet on potential deal

Auto makers and tech companies have been collaborating in recent years with the explosion of personal electronics and customer desires for vehicles that mimic the functions of their smartphones.

Yet, each industry got very cautious, not wanting to cede control or lose market, but still eyeing the potential of unlocking billions of dollars in new revenue from digital services.

The car companies have struggled with the software side of development while tech companies have stumbled on crossing bridges in working with the old auto-manufacturers.

In 2020 Apple met several potential partners and suppliers with an eye to beginning production as soon as 2024, while

In early 2021, Hyundai Motor Group in South Korea suggested it was exploring options with Apple before saying the talks had broken down. Apple’s program took another hit later last year with the departure of key managers, including Doug Field who left for a senior role at Ford Motor Co.




source: CNBC/Carreport/Thejournalbiz
photo:Porsche carplay app