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Sep 1, 2023

Intel Jumps On Surprise Profit

Intel Corp. jumped after the beleaguered chipmaking pioneer declared an end to the personal computer slump and said the second half of 2023 will show that its long-awaited comeback is underway, Bloomberg reportsRead More

May 3, 2023

AMD Bets on a Big Second Half!

Advanced Micro Devices is betting cloud giants crack open their wallets again later this year. Some of the chipmaker’s fans on Wall Street aren’t so sure that will happen. AMD tweet on chipsRead More

Jul 29, 2022

Chip giants to build a factory in France!

GlobalFoundries, and STMicro are set to build chip plant, backed by the French government aimed at boosting supply-chain security GlobalFoundries Inc. and STMicroelectronics two of the world’s largest chip makers, said they wouldRead More