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Tesla surges again, analyst expect rise in revenues for the fiscal Q1

Equities research analysts expect Tesla to report sales of $16.44 billion for the current fiscal quarter.

In the same quarter last year,

Tesla reported sales of $10.39 billion, indicating a year-over-year growth rate of 58.2%.

Tesla is preparing for a few notable milestones right at the end of Q1 2022. CNBC finds

The global leading EV manufacturer, is expected to release its next earnings report on Monday, April 25.

Zacks, an investment research company, expect Tesla to report full-year sales of $81.48 billion for the current year, with estimates ranging from $64.37 billion to $93.30 billion. Teslarati reports

*Tesla tweet on Giga-Factory, Berlin


Tesla Giga Berlin is at the top of the list with the first made-in-Germany Model Y vehicles set for delivery on March 22.

Meanwhile in Texas,

Tesla is preparing to deliver the first Model Y vehicles equipped with structural battery packs and 4680 cells.

Tesla China posted wholesale figures of 59,845 vehicles for January, and 56,515 cars for February 22.

Recently Tesla hiked prices,

as Musk tweeted that the carmaker was feeling pressure from inflation in raw material and logistics costs.

*Elon’s Tweet on inflation

*Tesla China has increased its income by over 100% for two consecutive years since starting operations in 2019.




Source: CNBC/Teslarati/Thejorunalbiz