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U.S. indicates semiconductors chips, as key bilateral partnership in Asia!

US, Japan and South Korea, are looking set to boost their export and further dominate the tech world stage,

and one thing that they have in common is semiconductors.

It is not coincidence that president Biden on his first stop through Asia as president was a Samsung factory in South Korea.

“These little chips, only a few nanometers thick, are the key to propelling us into the next era of humanity’s technological development,” Biden said

*Potus tweet on Samsung factory visit

Chips are integral to everything,

from automobiles to home appliances, and they’ll play an essential role in the development of artificial intelligence and quantum technologies.

“investors are looking closely on what’s next on supply chains and semiconductors production and how much they align on export controls of sensitive technologies to China.

  • Japan and South Korea, both are technology powerhouses.

But as of 2020, the two countries also have bigger export relationships with China than they do with the U.S.

To play a central role in the geopolitics around semiconductors, the Biden administration recognizes that the United States needs to boost its economic relevance in Asia.

While in Tokyo,

Biden is expected to outline details of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, an agreement that will focus on shared standards around digital technology and supply chains. CNBC Reports

image: animated Chip