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Western Union suspends operations in Russia!

Western Union suspends operations in Russia and Belarus, follows the message of the payment system.

The payment system said in official statement that;

“internal and external factors have been carefully studied, including the consequences for colleagues, partners and clients”.

“We are also engaged in a broad dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders to make the right decision regarding our services in Russia and Belarus.

*Western Union Tweet on suspension

We have carefully considered internal and external factors including;

implications for safety of our valued colleagues, partners, and clients. “That is why we have decided to suspend our operations in Russia and Belarus.”

  • On March 10, the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard were suspended in Russia.

All Visa and Mastercard cards issued by Russian banks will continue to operate in the country as usual until their expiration date. However, these cards will not be able to pay abroad and in foreign online stores.

Also, the Japanese payment system JCB announced the suspension of its operations in the Russian Federation from March 14.


source:Bloomberg/Western Union/TJB
photo:Western Union inc.