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Amazon gains share on digital Ads  

Amazon. shares of the U.S. digital ad market grew to 10.3%  on 2021,  from only 7.8% in 2019, according to a new report from research firm eMarketer.

The report predicts that Amazon will continue grow , as brands are increasingly turning to the e-commerce to help them reach an expanding base of online shoppers, but trailing behind the leader Google

Amazon’s U.S. ad revenue grew to $15.73 billion, up 52.5% from 2019, eMarketer indicates.

But amazon’s U.S. digital ad share is still behind Google and Facebook’s, which accounted for 28.9% and 25.2% respectively, in 2020, according to the report.

Amazon is gaining share of the digital market, as expected to grow in market share 11.9% in 2022 and 12.8% in 2023, eMarketer predicts.

*Amazon Ads tweet on its campaign

Bolstered by a drastic shift to digital shopping habits during the pandemic,

the habit that will likely stick, said Nicole Perrin, a principal analyst at eMarketer.

“This is one of these situations where the pandemic accelerated something that was happening anyway,” she said.

“We are expecting pretty notable continued gains in share through at least 2023, specifically looking at the search side.”

The company, while stealing a slice of the market from  Google and Facebook, taking much of its share from Google, whose cut of the digital ad business in the U.S. is expected to decrease from 28.9% in 2020 to 26.6% in 2023.

