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Tesla’s Q4 report

Keypoints from the Q4 Earnings; Tesla officially sold over 936K electric vehicles in the global market, despite facing a shortage of computer chips Demand for electric vehicles were much higher than supply Revenue

Snapchat set to join augmented-reality ads

As the spread of Covid-19 kept many would-be shoppers at home, advertisers accelerated their experiments with the e-commerce Snapchat, a mobile app that targets users in their 20’s, has been investing in augmented

Russia bans crypto

Russia’s proposed ban on cryptocurrencies could diminish several tech industries and drive IT professionals out.  Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov,said “The Bank of Russia suggesting a total ban on cryptocurrencies is like zeroing the

Mercedes and Luminar set for cooperation

Mercedes-Benz plans to use laser sensors from Luminar Inc. The next-generation vehicle platform to enable semi-autonomous driving features on highways Mercedes and supplier Luminar, declined to specify which models will include laser-based technology.

Analytical review of AIRBNB

Opinion by the editor; Arsim. Ajeti 13 years ago, former roommates coined the idea of renting one of the rooms where they priory leased themselves!? as a way to realize income from any